Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Dad to Preemie Twins, Shares his Story

While doing some extensive research on Preemie Dads (read: Google), I came across a detailed account of one Preemie Dad's experience of having twins 17 weeks early (Read part one here and part two here).  His name is Jaime Aron and he wrote this narrative himself.   

I especially could relate to one thing he said at the end of part 2, and it perfectly sums up the experience of most Preemie Dads...

There are big-picture things like a new faith in medicine and a strong faith in faith itself. We don't go to synagogue any more often than before, but you can't tell me all those prayers, and all that love directed toward these guys, didn't make a difference.

Another tightened bond is our marriage. By some accounts, that defies the odds, too.

I've come out of this with silver hairs around my temples, and fragile emotions, leaking tears at anything that tugs the heart strings.
I completely agree with Jaime, especially the tears comment!  After learning more about Jaime, he also volunteers and raises money for the March of Dimes and is great example to Preemie Dads everywhere!